[EM] Chris, DD, 23 March

Chris Benham cbenhamau at yahoo.com.au
Wed Mar 23 10:38:48 PST 2005


> And forgive me if I missed your precise and complete
defintiion of your Defeat-Dropper method. Would you
precisely and completely define your Defeat-Dropper
method now?

The term  "defeat-dropper" is  a self-explanatory
newly coined (perhaps slang) reference to the pairwise
methods that "drop defeats", such as Ranked Pairs,
Beat Path, River etc.that are all equivalent when
there are three candidates. SCRIRVE and Raynaud are
examples of Condorcet methods that are not

> Plurality passes Non-Drastic Defense. Suppose that
"to rank" means " to rank in a rank-balloting system".
In that case, no one can write a Plurality example
that complies with the premise of Non-Drastic Defense.
That means that no one can write a Plurality NDD
failure example, and that Plurality passes NDD. 

Yes, and by that logic, so does a pork chop.


Chris  Benham

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