[EM] Re: Chain Climbing --> Chain Filling

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Mon Mar 14 07:10:53 PST 2005

Dear Jobst,

--- Jobst Heitzig <heitzig-j at web.de> wrote:
> Dear Ted!
> > Basically, the idea is simply Beatpath:  Break each cycle at the weakest link.
> > But what should be the weakest link?  Why not call it the defeat made by the
> > candidate with lowest approval?  We could call this Total Approval 
> > Beatpath (TAB), but suggest a better name if you want.
> I was thinking about this when writing the grand compromise proposal but
> didn't propose it for some reason I don't remember, so I should give it
> another thought. Did you prove any nice properties yet?

I suggested this measure of defeat strength when I proposed an easy way
to hand-count three-slot Condorcet, since by that method the WV information
isn't preserved. I believe you didn't like this measure because it seemed
unintuitive to elect anyone other than the approval winner when there is
a three-candidate cycle.

Kevin Venzke


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