Re: [EM] Russ´s Better-Than-Expectaton derivation (was "no subject")

Kevin Venzke stepjak at
Fri Mar 4 23:03:10 PST 2005


 --- Russ Paielli <6049awj02 at> a écrit : 
> Folks,
> If you have some extra time, please read the following exchange and let 
> me know if you understand what Mike is trying to say. Thanks.

It's just a hypothetical consideration. It's like being asked if you
want a $10 bill, or the thing I'm holding behind my back. The difference
is that in an election, you might have a guess as to what I'm holding
behind my back, so you could decide whether you're likely better off to
take the $10 bill.

It doesn't make much difference that in real elections no one offers you 
this choice.

Kevin Venzke


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