[EM] Plurality crireion (was "There's indecisiveness, and then there's indecisiveness")

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Tue Jun 7 12:39:02 PDT 2005


--- Chris Benham <chrisbenham at bigpond.com> a écrit :
> No. The "pairwise version" says that  X must not win if  there are more 
> voters that rank X above all the other candidates than there are voters 
> that rank Y over *any*  candidate.

Eh, that's the *non*-pairwise version, as far as I can tell; the "pairwise"
version can't refer to first preferences or "any" preferences. It just says
that if the greatest number of votes against X in some contest exceeds the
greatest number for X in some contest, then X mustn't win. I used this
criterion as a filter in my "attempt at a method satisfying FBC and SDSC"

Kevin Venzke


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