[EM] Comments on Approval posting

Russ Paielli 6049awj02 at sneakemail.com
Fri Jan 28 06:35:38 PST 2005

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp-at-hotmail.com |EMlist| wrote:
> I realize that people aren't interested in these postings in which Russ 
> posts his astonishingly ignorance and I try to help him understand what 
> he's talking about. There' s no reason why his education should take 

Mike, I have a Master's Degree in engineering from Stanford. And what is 
your level of academic accomplishment, Mike? Did you finish High School? 
And what do you do for a living, Mike? Is posting on this list your 
only, or most important, job? Yet you have the audacity to talk like 
that about me. You are delusional, Mike. Who do you think you are 
fooling? I doubt you are fooling anyone but yourself. But then, unlike 
you, I can't read everyone else's mind.

Yes, I did bring up 9/11, but it was only in reply to your dishonest 
post in which you lied about why you decided not to work with me anymore 
on ElectionMethods.org. That was the post in which you pulled that stuff 
out of your rear end about my reworded definitions on the site. You are 
a pathetic character, Mike. I'm sorry I had the misfortune to associate 
with you. What a mistake that was.

By the way, I'd like to tell the folks here a little story about Mike. 
Occasionally we would get queries at the website, and Mike would often 
write incredibly long replies to them. A while back some kid, a 
third-grader I think, sent a one-sentence email message asing for some 
information for a report or something. Mike wrote a reply that must have 
been four or five pages long, regurgitating everything he knows about 
voting systems. At the end of it, he informed the poor child that more 
"installments" were on the way. He sent another "installment," but I 
finally told him to give it a rest. I don't think we ever heard back 
from the child, or if we did it was some very terse reply.

> Russ continued:
> He believes that the WTC had explosives installed that
> were wired to detonate on cue to collapse the buildings.
> I reply:
> Again, Russ is repeating that for the 3rd time, at least. I said that 
> the collapse wasn't consistent with the media's fire explanation, but 
> was consistent with ordinary explosive demolition. Check Griffin's book, 
> &/or the other links and sources that I posted on that and the general 
> 9/11 topic.

Did you read the links that I sent a few days ago, Mike. They had major 
studies and explanations, by professional structural engineers, of how 
and why the WTC collapsed. Did you read them, you moron? They said 
nothing whatsoever about "explosive demolition." By the way, "Griffin" 
is a theologian, folks. You live in a sad little fantasy world, Mike. 
I'm just trying to inform the folks on this list of the looney-tune 
they're dealing with.

By the way, did you check the length of Mikes reply to my message? Did 
anyone read it? Well, I just realized that I'm letting his lunacy get to 
me. Maybe I should have realized that sooner, but better late than 
never. If I don't nip it in the bud, I could go crazy too. If I keep 
debating Mike, I could become a fruitcake like him. I'm dropping it here 
so I have a chance of staying sane.

Let me just say that there's no way I could put into words how much Mike 
disgusts me with his delusions, lies, and mental illness. He spits in 
the face of the men and woman who defend the very freedom that entitles 
him to spout his brain-dead views. He promulgates sick ideas about his 
own nation, a nation that has provided him with the freedom and the 
technology to espouse his sick ideas. He belongs in Saddam's Iraq, which 
he thinks wasn't so bad. My life and reputation are diminished for ever 
having associated with him.

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