[EM] Center for Range Voting Formed

Adam Tarr ahtarr at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 13:37:20 PDT 2005


Your "strategic Condorcet" strategy is a terrible strategy in most
situations.  Why do you think burying your least favorite frontrunner
would help you?  Even more puzzling, why put your favorite frontrunner
in front of your true favorite?

There are specific, very narrow situations where some strategies along
these lines can be useful.  But they are very much  the exception and
not the rule (at least in winning vote Condorcet).  A simple sincere
ordering is more strategically adept as a default strategy, for most
good Condorcet voting methods.  I know if I were voting in an MMV
election or a Beatpath election, I'd much prefer voting that way to
burying the second.  I'd feel much more confident I was making my best
vote that way.

There's a mind-numbing quantity of Condorcet strategy discussions in
the archives of this list.  I've never heard anyone seriously suggest
the strategy you list.

On the other hand, your Range voting strategies seems pretty spot-on.
So to me, the most accurate comparison I can make using your
simulation is sincere Condorcet against strategic Range.  Condorcet
wins, by your simulation.


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