[EM] majorities and ordinal-only pairwise methods

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Sun Apr 10 22:08:13 PDT 2005


--- James Green-Armytage <jarmyta at antioch-college.edu> wrote:
> Kevin, you wrote:
> >RAV is more likely to agree with WV here than Margins. That's why I don't
> >mind it much.
> 	How do you come to this conclusion?

Because Approval, like WV, is directly interested in how many voters vote
a certain way, while Margins uses an indirect measure.

For a criterion, consider votes-only Minimal Defense: When more than half
of the voters rank X above Y and don't rank Y above anyone (and, I assume,
they approve X and don't approve Y), RAV never elects Y, just as WV won't
elect Y.

So I guess Margins is "more fair" (Russ' sense) than RAV.

Kevin Venzke


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