[EM] CR with AERLO & ATLO. Sincere-incentive CR. 2-stage Approval.

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 20 00:50:00 PST 2004

I'm just briefly stopping in to make a few comments. Maybe, while I've been 
away, someone else has already said these things.

CR, too, can benefit from AERLO & ATLO. I defined those terms earlier, but 
let me repeat them here:

Automatic Equal Ranking Line Option (AERLO):

A voter may draw a line in his raniking, to indicate that if non of his 
above-line candidates win
(and, in pairwise-count  methods, if there's a circular tie that includes 
candidates above & below that voter's line), then he wants to promote all of 
his above-line candidates to 1st place, and have the election's ballots 

Of course there's only one extra AERLO count, after any AERLO ballot 
modifications as described above.

[end of AERLO definition]

Automatic Truncation Line Option (ATLO):

Same as AERLO except replace "promote all of his above-line candidates to 
1st place" with "drop all of his below line candidates from his ranking".

[end of ATLO definition]

As I said, CR could benefit from AERLO & ATLO. For that purpose, we can say 
that "R" stands for rating, rather than ranking.

For the purpose of CR, "promote to 1st place" means "give maximum points 
to". And "drop from your ranking" means "give minimum points to".

ATLO doesn't really serve a practical purpose in CR, and maybe not in any 
non-pairwise-count methods. I'll return to ATLO in a minute.

AERLO serves a purpose with CR. Give minimum points to the candidates for 
whom you wouldn't vote in Approval, but sincerely rate the candidates for 
whom you'd vote in Approval. Put the AERLO line beneath them--either by 
indicating a point rating below which you want the AERLO line, or by marking 
an "M" next those above-line candidates,  to indicate that if none of them 
win then you want to give them maximum points and hold another count.

I said that ATLO doesn't serve a practical purpose here. That's because, if 
yoiu're going to give to those below-line candidates minimum points if one 
of them wins, then what point is there in giving them any points to begin 

Well, you might want to give them points for self-expression. That's a good 
reason. It's one of the purposes of CR. A CR ideal is to let people be fsree 
to vote sincerely in CR. Adding ATLO as well as AERLO allows completely 
sincere CR voting. Your points for your Approval-disfavored candidates is 
really just a statement rather than a vote that does  anything. But your 
varying points for your Approval-favored candidates is perfectly practically 
effective. Say  X & Y are among your Approval-favored candidates, and you 
vote full points for X but fewer for Y. In fact, say you give Y minimum 
points. But you indicate that they're both above your AERLO line.  You're 
casting a fully effective vote for X over Y, and it has full power toward 
helping X take victorly from Y. But if neither wins, then, via AERLO, 
youi're giving maximum points to Y too. Because maybe Y was the one who 
could have beaten someone you really despise.

This lets you vote 2-stage Approval. First, do Approval voting among all the 
candidates, by making your AERLO line between the approved and disapproved 
ones. Then, do Approval votinlg among the above-line one, by giving maximum 
points to those whom you'd approve, among those above-line candidates if 
only those above-line candidates were in the election, and give minimum 
points to the rest.

OIf course,  you could instead sincerely rate the candidates above your 
AERLO line if you felt like doing that instead of voting strategically among 
them. Via AERLO, you're still strategically fully voting them over all of 
those who are  below your AERLO line.

Optional: If you want to express yourself more, and if ATLO is available, 
make an ATLO line where your AERLO line is, and  sincerely rate the 
candidates below that line. It won't affect the election, but it will allow 
you to express your relative rating of  the below-line candidates.

Mike Ossipoff

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