[EM] Two definitions of strategy

Dr.Ernie Prabhakar drernie at radicalcentrism.org
Mon May 31 05:51:02 PDT 2004

Hi Mike,

On May 30, 2004, at 8:12 PM, MIKE OSSIPOFF wrote:
> In my definition of defensive strategy, I use the word "strategy". I 
> haven't defined strategy. There are 2 definitions of strategy that 
> I've used in the names of the majority defensive strategy criteria.  
> Though it's always possible that someone's first writing of a 
> definition needs improvement, this is how I, at least so far, state 
> those 2 definitions:

A valiant effort - I agree that strategy is one of those terms we often 
use imprecisely.

> 1. The choice of a way of voting to affect the outcome in a certain 
> way under certain specified conditions, when there isn't one obvious 
> way of voting that will always accomplish that under those conditions.
> 2. Any way of voting, when it's discussed in terms of its possible or 
> intended affect on the outcome.

Yeah, I guess #2 is the more general sense of the term, which is 
consistent with common usage.  I think it might helpful to distinguish 
#1 as more "strategic voting" and #2 as "voting strategy", if that 
makes sense.

I personally would define strategic voting as:

"When a voter self-consciously marks a ballot in a manner inconsistent 
with their actual preferences, in the hope of optimizing the outcome."

What do others think of that?

- Ernie P.

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