[EM] Efforts to improve on CR's strategy

Ken Johnson kjinnovation at earthlink.net
Wed May 19 18:33:01 PDT 2004

>Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 01:13:04 -0700
>From: Bart Ingles <bartman at netgate.net>
>I have no idea how to locate "Vol 1 #597", so I don't know what Ken
>means by "exhibited abysmal performance".  Was this a series of
>simulations?  A single example?
>In Merrill's 'Monte Carlo' simulations, approval voting did pretty well
>in terms of social utility-- better than all other methods in the
>three-candidate case, and only marginally worse than Condorcet and Borda
>with four or more candidates.

Here's a link to #597,
(Search the text for "num_candidate=10".)

The main problem I saw with Approval occurred when there are many 
candidates, and when everyone votes based on a single election issue. Do 
you know if Merrill simulated this case?

Ken Johnson

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