[EM] Election Calculator additions: equal rankings IRV

Brian Olson bql at bolson.org
Tue Jun 22 23:42:02 PDT 2004

The Election Calculator now includes three different behaviors of IRV:
duplicate a vote across choices it ranks equally ( aka "whole" )
split a vote across choices it ranks equally
disqualify a vote so long as it has a tie for first place (it can come 
in in later rounds when through disqualification of choices it has a 
unique first).*


I hope this helps illustrate and discover the differences between they 

* I don't think this should not be done in practice. A real voting 
machine should reject invalid ballots and require the voter to try 
again. I included it for some sort of "completeness", and because my 
front end makes no enforcement against casting tied-ranking ballots.

Brian Olson

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