[EM] FBC wording

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Tue Feb 10 14:17:09 PST 2004

No one's alternatives to FBC have resembled mine, and I think my "weak"
version is wrong, but I don't see what's wrong with my "strong" version.
Any comments from anyone?  Did I leave a loophole of some kind?

Keeping in mind that this criterion is supposed to be unattainable:

 --- Kevin Venzke <stepjak at yahoo.fr> a écrit : 
> Strong FBC: Lowering some candidate X from sole first place to some other
> position (including equal first place) on a set of identical ballot(s) should
> not improve the result of the election from the perspective of the original
> ballot.

Kevin Venzke
stepjak at yahoo.fr


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