[EM] Criteria that don't mention preferences?

Forest Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Mon Feb 2 14:28:01 PST 2004

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Ernest Prabhakar wrote:

> We can quibble about the exact terminology to use (and knowing this
> list, I'm sure we will :-) but I think it is important to recognize
> that there *is* an appropriate place for worry about 'sincerity', even
> if its difficult to measure.

Here's one approach: start with preferences that are assumed to be
sincere. Then add in some (more or less accurate) statistical information
about the set of preferences.  Now construct ballots that would be likely
reactions to the statistical information (or disinformation as the case
may be).

Finally, compare the original preferences with those expressed on the


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