[EM] I did reply to Craig

Markus Schulze markus.schulze at alumni.tu-berlin.de
Mon Feb 2 07:38:05 PST 2004

Dear Mike,

you wrote (2 Feb 2004):
> No one has criticized you for your _initial_ statement
> about that. You were criticized only after you kept
> repeating it.

In your 19 Dec 2003 mail, you wrote that you decided not
to call your implementation "Floyd algorithm" anymore:

In my 20 Dec 2003 mail, I acknowledged that you don't
call your implementation "Floyd algorithm" anymore:

Nevertheless, you continue to claim that I continued to
claim that you continued to claim that your implementation
was Floyd's algorithm.

You wrote (2 Feb 2004):
> As Eric has said today, people are really tired of
> your repeating it.

Here are my suggestions to you:

1) If you are tired of a given topic, then do not refer
   to this topic in your unwarranted attacks.
2) If you are not interested in a given topic, then
   simply skip those mails, but do not mock at those
   who are interested.

Markus Schulze

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