[EM] In effect and in voting theory, Plurality is a rankings method. (Supplementary Vote)

James Gilmour jgilmour at globalnet.co.uk
Sat Feb 7 16:46:02 PST 2004

Steve Barney
> FYI, also known as the "Second Choice Vote," it was used 
> statewide in the 
> Wisconsin election of 1914 (see appendix in 
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InstantRunoffWI/message/33>), 
> and a bill for 
> reinstating in was sponsored by a Wisconsin State Senator by 
> the name of 
> Morticai Lee shortly after the 1980 spliting of the vote 
> which resulted in 
> the election of President Ronald Reagan. More recently, 
> Morticai put in a 
> plug for it in his Jan. 16 appearance on Wisconsin Public TV 
> ("Here and 
> Now" Transcript #000228, 
> <http://www.wpt.org/npa/transcripts/index.cfm?did=7741#2>.

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