[EM] Smith//MinMax

Rob LeGrand honky1998 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 18:44:04 PST 2003

Markus wrote:
> For example, when there are 15 candidates then the Smith//MinMax winner
> and the winner of the beat path method are identical in 91.7% while the
> Smith//MinMax winner and the Ranked Pairs winner are identical in only
> 41.8% of all situations:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/election-methods-list/message/5948

I believe the incidences of agreement among Smith//MinMax, plain MinMax,
beatpath and Ranked Pairs are all well over 90% for 15 candidates or fewer.
 Norm Petry was randomly generating pairwise matrices, not voter
preferences, driving the incidence of Condorcet candidates down and
disagreement among Condorcet methods up.

Smith//MinMax is another ranked-ballot method not in my simulations.  Whose
idea was Smith//MinMax originally?  Does anyone still promote it?

Rob LeGrand
rob at approvalvoting.org

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