[EM] Your appraisals requested

Tom McIntyre avnow at fgn.net
Tue Mar 11 02:34:02 PST 2003


I'd like some input from as many people on this list who are willing.

I am making a chart to use in demonstrating the relative strengths of 
different voting systems to those unfamiliar with them.  I've chosen 
Plurality, Approval, Ratings, Borda, IRV, and two forms of Condorcet: 
winning votes with no equal rankings but truncation allowed, and margins 
with equal rankings allowed.  I might have added others but for two 
reasons: (1) they're just not well-understood enough, and (2) too many 
systems will get too confusing.

I've chosen a couple dozen "desirable characteristics", and intend to 
rank each election method on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most 
desirable situation.  I've filled in the chart with a few of these off 
the top of my head, to serve as examples.

I by no means have full knowledge of how each method fares in each 
light, so I need to tap the knowledge in all your heads.

I'm hoping this doesn't start any holy wars on the list, so perhaps it's 
best if responses are sent directly to me.  I can post a summary if 
anyone desires, after getting all the feedback.

This started as an Excel spreadsheet, but I've saved it as a CSV, and am 
attaching it in that form.  Please fill in as many boxes as you feel 
qualified to rate.  I'll take CSV's, or Excel 97 or Lotus spreadsheets.

Thank you very much,
Tom McIntyre
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