[EM] request for reading matter

John B. Hodges jbhodges at usit.net
Mon Jun 30 20:43:01 PDT 2003

In the last Digest, Adam Tarr had 3 posts. I'm a new subscriber, 
educating myself about all these issues.

I've heard of "ranked pairs", but what is "beatpath"? I presume it is 
a method of resolving Condorcet elections in case of circular 
pairwise pluralities. Where can I read about the properties, 
mathematical and otherwise, of Ranked Pairs and Beatpath?

I've read a book by Donald Saari, CHAOTIC ELECTIONS, in which Saari 
finds unique virtues in the Borda Count and many weaknesses in 
Approval. I don't regard Borda Count as a realistic contender, both 
from vulnerability to manipulation, and from its requirement that all 
voters rank all candidates. Can y'all recommend some text that 
replies to Saari regarding Approval?

More generally, how did y'all learn what you know about this stuff? 
Please recommend some books or publications. I live in walking 
distance of a University library, so obscure tomes are available to 
John B. Hodges, jbhodges@   @usit.net
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