[EM] Re: Issues, Condorcet, and IRV (was: IRV vs. plurality)

Eric Gorr eric at ericgorr.net
Fri Aug 8 08:13:03 PDT 2003

At 3:03 AM -0400 8/8/03, Dave Ketchum wrote:
>      Except for cases involving IRV spoilers, winners are IDENTICAL 
>- repeat IDENTICAL!!!
>  Condorcet backers emphasize the IRV spoilers because those are the 
>major reason for choosing Condorcet over IRV (Condorcet claims 
>simpler counting of votes as an additional advantage).

What do you mean by IRV Spoilers?

Candidates who run solely for the purpose of splitting the vote?

I think it has already been shown that the winners between IRV and 
Condorcet are not identical in more then just these cases.

For example, in many cases, especially ones involving polarizing 
issues (i.e. abortion, gun control, etc.) you can have two fairly 
equal, but opposing positions with a third option that would win, if 
and only if (iff) the two groups at the poles liked it better then 
the other end of the pole - which is by no means guaranteed.

== Eric Gorr ========= http://www.ericgorr.net ========= ICQ:9293199 ===
"Therefore the considerations of the intelligent always include both
benefit and harm." - Sun Tzu
== Insults, like violence, are the last refuge of the incompetent... ===

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