[EM] World election

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Mon Aug 4 13:02:02 PDT 2003

 --- Stephane Rouillon <stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca> a écrit : 
> It is slightly off topic but I am interested in hearing comments about this...
> Could we put in place a world electoral system for a world parliament?
> How to make it acceptable beyond one person one vote compared to the
> actual difference of powers between countries?
> Steph

I came up with a (rather undemocratic) method whose aim is to prevent the
dominance of parties with a regional backing.

I've made a number of refinements to this idea, but I'll spare you them, and
just give the method at its simplest:

The nation is divided into regions.  The nation is a single district using
party list PR.  Each voter votes for a single party.  There is a weight 
(arbitrary) "W."  "P" is a party's vote share (percentage) in the region in 
which they did the worst.  "V" is the total number of voters in the nation.

Add to each party's nation-wide vote total: W*P*V.  Refigure the total number
of votes and allocate seats by share.

An even simpler method would be to set a party's vote total to P*100, but
that would be a disincentive to vote for most people.

These methods have obvious problems that I won't go into.  But they would
penalize parties who only have support in certain regions.

Kevin Venzke
stepjak at yahoo.fr

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