[EM] Free social choice polling software

Arnold B. Urken aurken at choicelogic.com
Sun May 12 09:41:12 PDT 2002


Since members of this list do many experimental polls, some of you may want to 
edit, manage, and report on polls related to your work or other interests 
(e.g., educational assessment). You can download free polling software that 
incorporates point-and-click social choice/voting scoring methodology from


This version of the software, which runs on any version of Windows and packages 
a Web server and database, is being used in academia and industry. It does not 
include some features (e.g.s., automatic single reporting on multiple datasets 
and transparent offline/online data collection).  However this version does 
include useful features such as automated followup (while protecting privacy) 
and sampling of respondents based on selected demographic or attitudinal 

The full version of the software runs on any platform with any Java-friendly 
database--even SAS or SPSS. 

Please contact me privately if you have any questions.


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