[EM] 04/03/02 - Cretney is not reading all his EM email:

Donald Davison donald at mich.com
Wed Apr 3 02:02:45 PST 2002

04/03/02 - Cretney is not reading all his EM email:

Greetings list,

Cretney <blake at condorcet.org> wrote:

"First, this looks like a personal correspondence between Craig and Rob.
Presumably Craig forwarded this to you..."

Davison here, Cretney, you presume wrong.  I don't fault you for not
reading every EM letter that you receive, but if you had happen to look at
Craig's post of 3/25/02 you would have seen that it contained Rob Richie's

It was Craig that sent Rob's letter to this EM list.  That is when I first
seen it.

You go on to write: Cretney: " (which he shouldn't have done),"

Davison:  Why not?  Everyone of us receives many forwarded email letters,
from which we quote and/or forward to others.  I even carry a line in my
signature window that says: "Please be advised that sending email to me
allows me to quote from it and/or forward the entire email to others."   I
want that freedom.

Even you are willing to comment on a forwarded letter. "But since the
message is on the list now, I'll comment." to quote you.

Anyone who writes an email letter should write it with the understanding
that parts may be quoted and/or the entire email may be forwarded to
others, and it may end up anywhere.


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