[EM] U.S.A. government elections, Seats Percentages versus Votes Percentages
DEMOREP1 at aol.com
DEMOREP1 at aol.com
Mon Apr 1 20:56:47 PST 2002
U.S.A. Government Elections, Seats Percentages versus Votes Percentages, by
States, 2001-2003
Each Democrat, Republican, Other/Nonvotes column is the Seats Percentages
minus the Votes Percentages for the office involved.
Or, in other words the effects of the 3 ANTI-Democracy indirect minority rule
gerrymander systems in the Constitution.
Positive = Over-represented, Negative = Under-represented
S- Seats, D- Democrat, R- Republican, O/N Other/Nonvotes (for President)
U.S.A. Representatives, 2000 Election
AL 7 -0.58 20.46 -19.89
AK 1 -15.89 33.16 -17.27
AZ 6 -19.75 27.54 -7.80
AR 4 36.45 -5.07 -31.38
CA 52 12.23 -2.09 -10.15
CO 6 4.85 11.04 -15.89
CT 6 2.09 9.24 -11.34
DE 1 -29.46 35.33 -5.88
FL 23 1.64 17.40 -19.04
GA 11 -8.27 14.72 -6.46
HI 2 39.84 -30.14 -9.70
ID 2 -28.38 33.68 -5.31
IL 20 -1.74 9.78 -8.04
IN 10 -3.34 8.14 -4.80
IA 5 -19.29 26.98 -7.69
KS 4 -5.61 13.83 -8.23
KY 6 -19.71 29.91 -10.20
LA 7 8.20 29.11 -37.32
ME 2 35.16 -31.21 -3.95
MD 8 -2.39 7.72 -5.33
MA 10 28.02 -12.56 -15.46
MI 16 4.80 1.53 -6.33
MN 8 11.89 -3.23 -8.66
MS 5 10.14 -7.12 -3.02
MO 9 -3.69 7.43 -3.74
MT 1 -46.22 48.56 -2.34
NE 3 -25.55 30.20 -4.65
NV 2 13.10 -4.29 -8.81
NH 2 -41.95 46.72 -4.77
NJ 13 5.77 2.73 -8.50
NM 3 -16.76 20.89 -4.13
NY 31 15.46 3.28 -18.75
NC 12 0.72 6.37 -7.09
ND 1 47.56 -44.15 -3.41
OH 19 -2.53 10.35 -7.82
OK 6 -10.63 26.47 -15.84
OR 5 28.48 -19.58 -8.90
PA 21 1.22 7.00 -8.22
RI 2 39.56 -21.87 -17.70
SC 6 -4.63 13.93 -9.30
SD 1 -24.76 26.93 -2.17
TN 9 4.99 7.78 -12.77
TX 30 12.98 -2.43 -10.55
UT 3 -6.21 11.31 -5.10
VT 1 28.29 -17.66 -10.63
VA 11 -2.35 17.08 -14.73
WA 9 16.58 -6.78 -9.80
WV 3 1.74 16.55 -18.29
WI 9 9.84 -6.02 -3.82
WY 1 -28.37 33.63 -5.26
TOT 435 4.61 6.32 -10.93
Notes- All Representatives are elected from single member districts (or
The district extremes in the States having 2 or more seats can be worse.
The higher O/N percentages are due in part to uncontested D or R seats.
U.S.A. Senators, 1996-1998-2000 Elections
AL 2 -41.40 42.55 -1.15
AK 2 -14.93 24.38 -9.45
AZ 2 -11.42 25.12 -13.71
AR 2 -0.82 2.05 -1.23
CA 2 45.38 -39.41 -5.97
CO 2 -40.63 43.32 -2.68
CT 2 35.97 -33.41 -2.56
DE 2 42.41 -41.15 -1.26
FL 2 44.39 -42.73 -1.66
GA 2 46.16 -42.66 -3.49
HI 2 23.84 -20.93 -2.91
ID 2 -34.93 37.57 -2.64
IL 2 -2.25 5.03 -2.78
IN 2 4.59 -3.05 -1.54
IA 2 7.49 -6.18 -1.31
KS 2 -33.27 36.65 -3.38
KY 2 -45.79 47.21 -1.42
LA 2 44.43 -43.52 -0.91
ME 2 -37.32 40.72 -3.39
MD 2 33.62 -33.58 -0.05
MA 2 37.47 -28.66 -8.81
MI 2 46.31 -44.07 -2.24
MN 2 50.46 -42.34 -8.12
MS 2 -29.62 31.70 -2.08
MO 2 2.21 -0.11 -2.11
MT 2 1.61 2.36 -3.97
NE 2 3.11 -3.01 -0.09
NV 2 6.87 -2.01 -4.86
NH 2 -39.21 43.50 -4.29
NJ 2 48.63 -44.88 -3.75
NM 2 3.73 -1.05 -2.68
NY 2 46.61 -41.78 -4.83
NC 2 1.78 -0.16 -1.61
ND 2 37.87 -37.15 -0.72
OH 2 -39.18 41.58 -2.40
OK 2 -36.37 39.24 -2.86
OR 2 -2.74 7.42 -4.69
PA 2 -41.39 44.15 -2.77
RI 2 -1.83 3.69 -1.86
SC 2 1.83 0.32 -2.15
SD 2 43.84 -43.20 -0.65
TN 2 -34.42 36.69 -2.27
TX 2 -37.76 39.75 -1.99
UT 2 -32.08 35.04 -2.96
VT 2 4.65 2.80 -7.45
VA 2 -47.55 47.64 -0.09
WA 2 47.07 -45.58 -1.49
WV 2 22.80 -21.74 -1.05
WI 2 42.96 -41.69 -1.27
WY 2 -32.06 36.02 -3.96
TOT 100 1.30 1.94 -3.24
Note- 2 D or 2 R for large differences. 1 D and 1 R for smaller differences.
Nonvotes NOT available in all States so they are NOT included.
U.S.A. President, 2000 Election
AL 9 -41.57 43.52 -1.95
AK 3 -27.67 41.38 -13.71
AZ 8 -44.73 48.98 -4.24
AR 6 -45.86 48.69 -2.83
CA 54 46.55 -41.65 -4.90
CO 8 -42.39 49.25 -6.86
CT 8 44.09 -38.44 -5.65
DE 3 45.02 -41.92 -3.11
FL 25 -48.84 51.15 -2.32
GA 13 -43.21 45.04 -1.83
HI 4 44.21 -37.46 -6.75
ID 4 -27.64 32.83 -5.19
IL 22 45.40 -42.58 -2.82
IN 12 -41.01 43.35 -2.34
IA 7 52.81 -46.89 -5.92
KS 6 -37.24 41.96 -4.72
KY 8 -41.38 43.49 -2.12
LA 9 -44.88 47.45 -2.57
ME 4 50.91 -43.97 -6.94
MD 10 43.51 -40.18 -3.33
MA 12 40.87 -32.13 -8.74
MI 18 48.72 -46.15 -2.57
MN 10 52.09 -45.50 -6.59
MS 7 -40.70 42.38 -1.68
MO 11 -47.08 49.58 -2.49
MT 3 -33.37 41.56 -8.20
NE 5 -33.25 37.75 -4.50
NV 4 -45.94 50.51 -4.57
NH 4 -46.80 51.93 -5.13
NJ 15 43.87 -40.29 -3.58
NM 5 52.09 -47.85 -4.24
NY 33 40.98 -34.53 -6.45
NC 14 -43.15 44.04 -0.90
ND 3 -33.06 39.34 -6.29
OH 21 -46.44 50.01 -3.57
OK 8 -38.43 39.69 -1.27
OR 7 53.04 -46.52 -6.52
PA 23 49.39 -46.44 -2.95
RI 4 39.01 -31.91 -7.10
SC 8 -40.90 43.14 -2.24
SD 3 -37.56 39.70 -2.14
TN 11 -47.28 48.85 -1.57
TX 32 -37.98 40.70 -2.72
UT 5 -26.34 33.17 -6.83
VT 3 49.37 -40.70 -8.67
VA 13 -44.44 47.53 -3.09
WA 11 49.84 -44.58 -5.26
WV 5 -45.59 48.08 -2.49
WI 11 52.17 -47.61 -4.55
WY 3 -28.30 30.78 -2.48
DC 3 14.84 -8.95 -5.89
Total 538 1.33 2.59 -3.92
D 213 46747873 48.97 44.36 4.61
R 222 47127816 51.03 44.72 6.32
OTH 0 11516437 0.00 10.93 -10.93
TOT 435 105392126 100.00 100.00 0.00
The 2 nominal Independents are de facto 1 D and 1 R.
31 districts had no D candidate.
33 districts had no R candidate.
2 districts had no votes recorded (LA 2- D win, AR 3- R win)
D 50 87826296 50.00 48.70 1.30
R 50 86664162 50.00 48.06 1.94
OTH 0 5846013 0.00 3.24 -3.24
TOT 100 180336471 100.00 100.00 0.00
D 267 50996062 49.62 48.29 1.33
R 271 50456169 50.38 47.78 2.59
OTH 0 4141789 0.00 3.92 -3.92
TOT 538 105594020 100.00 100.00 0.00
Thus, any connection between the Votes and the Seats in electing the Congress
and the President is a matter of gerrymander political accidents.
How soon before the U.S.A. gerrymander regime causes Civil War II, Great
Depression II and/or World War III ???
Every State has a Legislature gerrymander system somewhat like the U.S.A.
House of Representatives.
Democracy remedies-
Uniform definition of Elector in U.S.A. government elections
Proportional Representation to elect Representatives
Abolish the Senate or use p.r. to elect it
Nonpartisan nomination and election of Presidents (and other U.S.A. executive
officers and all U.S.A. judges).
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