[EM] One vote per voter

Forest Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Mon Mar 26 12:29:43 PST 2001

Another way to look at Approval in terms of one vote per voter:

Suppose there are N candidates. Count each approval as exactly one Nth of
a point. That way no man can vote a total of more than one point. (And
he's a fool to vote a full N/N .) 

You can vote less than one point if you want, same as in single mark


On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, MIKE OSSIPOFF wrote:

> >Like I said, depends on how you look at it.
> >Plurality could be seen as a system in which you
> >must vote yes on one candidate and no on the
> >rest, so once again, you have as many votes as
> >candidates; they just aren't independent
> Good point. Plurality makes you vote "no" on all but one candidate.
> A pretty absurd rule, isn't it.
> Approval is point system, in which you can give 1 or 0 points to
> any candidate. Plurality is a peculiar point system that, oddly,
> requires you to give 1 to only one candidate, and zero to the others.
> If someone wants to say that 1-person-1-vote means Plurality or IRV,
> and call that a democratic principle, then it's for that person to
> tell why that's an important democratic principle.
> It should be obvious that a method that makes people falsify preferences
> and dump their favorite is worse than one that doesn't.
> Mike Ossipoff
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