[EM] No Way - Tom Ruen!

Tom Ruen tomruen at itascacg.com
Mon Mar 19 09:19:32 PST 2001

Don said:
> Sorry Tom, but you are only entitled to one vote, just like everyone else.

It is interesting. Each perspective - one vote/voter (plurality), one
vote/voter/candidate (approval), and one vote/voters/candidate-pair
(Condorcet) is a self-consistent system and effectively identical for 2
candidates. They only diverge when there are more than 2 candidates.

Approval is N one-vote elections for N candidates. Every voter gets up to N
total votes.

Condorcet is N*(N-1)/2 one-vote elections for N candidates. Again, every
voter gets the same number of votes.

If any system breaks the one vote/voters ideal it would have to be IRV or
any runoff system with forced elimination. IRV allows some voters to
transfer their votes but not others! IRV penalizes people for voting for a
favorite first who can reach second place but can't win.

Plurality (and all runoffs with forced elimination) mean friends are
competing against each other - divide and conquer works! Approval and
Condorcet allow friends to work together for common goals - cooperation is
possible and attractive.

Don said:
>      Now, if you are willing to divide your vote equally between your two
> choices, then I will say I have no problem with doing that.

I would be happier with IRV w/ties than without, so long as my vote becomes
a full vote for one after my other choice is eliminated. Divided tie votes
work in IRV because only one choice is eliminated at a time so my vote is
guaranteed to transfer. A divided vote in a single round plurality election
is not useful since both choices can lose without my full support.


----- Original Message -----
From: "I like Irving" <donald at mich.com>
To: <instantrunoff-freewheeling at egroups.com>
Cc: <election-methods-list at eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:34 AM
Subject: [EM] No Way - Tom Ruen!

> Greetings List,
> Tom Ruen wrote:
> Support my choice to be able to vote for my first and second choice
> and fully, and perhaps I'll stop crying.
> Support full vote tied ranks in IRV. Then I'll be happy to let the losers
> lose.
> Tom Ruen
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03/19/01
> Sorry Tom, but you are only entitled to one vote, just like everyone else.
>      Now, if you are willing to divide your vote equally between your two
> choices, then I will say I have no problem with doing that.
>      But stop trying to gain an extra advantage for your slate.
> Donald Davison

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