[EM] CVD wants Alt.V to be fairer but it isn't: misleading website

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 3 17:16:21 PDT 2000


you wrote (3 Oct 2000):
 > I prefer Tideman(wv) & SSD to PC because they meet GSFC & SDSC, and
 > PC doesn't. Also, they meet some criteria that the academics like,
 > and which PC doesn't meet, such as Smith, and certain criteria that
 > go with Smith, such as Condorcet Loser, Mutual Majority (for what it's
 > worth), and Majority Loser. So of course I prefer Tideman & SSD.

Markus wrote:

Because of the above mentioned reasons you once promoted Smith//PC.

I reply:

Not for all those reasons. I advocated Smith//PC because of Smith
and the criteria that go with Smith, in addition to SFC & WDSC.
GSFC & Full SDSC compliance weren't among my reasons for advocating
Smith//PC, because Smith//PC doesn't offer that.

Markus continues:

Why do you now think that Smith//PC isn't sufficient any more?

I reply:

Smith//PC, as I said, and as I thought that you knew, doesn't meet
GSFC and doesn't strictly meet SDSC.

Did I say that Smith//PC wasn't sufficient? Funny, I don't remember
saying that. I've always maintained that any Condorcet version,
including PC, is more than adequate.

Markus continues:

do you now think that you have to promote what you call the "better
Condorcet versions"

I reply:

What makes you think that I think that I have to promote what I
call "the better Condorcet versions"? I promote them because I want
to, and because they're the best. Not a good enough reason? Sorry.

Markus continues:

(which are significantly more complicated than
Smith//PC) to get compliance with the Smith criterion?

I reply:

Markus, now you're being asinine again. I've repeatedly said that
I prefer Tideman(wv) & SSD because they comply with GSFC & SDSC.

If you believe that I've said that I advocate Tideman(wv) & SSD
instead of Smith//PC in order to get compliance with the Smith
Criterion, would you *please* post to EM the archived posting in
which I said that?

I'm not sure what your game is, except that it's more than a little
silly. Should we assume that you still don't have a definition for
Beatpath GMC?

Mike Ossipoff

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