[EM] Test of maillist handling of html attachment
David Catchpole
s349436 at student.uq.edu.au
Thu May 11 17:16:14 PDT 2000
I didn't get it, and I must say that generally speaking on other egroups,
and despite using a love-bug free remote text email reader, I usually
receive attachments. I seem to recall a while back that there was a bunch
of python script that you sent. I got that.
On Thu, 11 May 2000, Steve Eppley wrote:
> Hi,
> Since we can't yet rely on each other's email browsers to
> properly display rich text, I'm attaching a small html file to
> this message to test whether this maillist will handle
> attachments properly. If so, this will allow us to post
> information in a format which is more readable, by using
> subscripts, italics, set notation symbols, etc.
> Assuming the attachment looks okay, I'll have to also verify
> that it also looks okay in the archive at @eskimo.com.
> Eventually I'll post a second message describing the results I
> observed, and anyone observing something different will
> hopefully bring that to our attention.
> If Rob Lanphier, the list administrator, feels that it would be
> a bad idea to use attachments, hopefully he will notice this and
> post his opinion. If anyone else feels it would be a bad idea,
> please let me know privately to avoid cluttering the list;
> eventually I'll post a summary of comments I receive.
> (Note: the html snippet used in this test represents part of a
> work in progress. The definitions contained in it may be
> revised.)
> ---Steve (Steve Eppley seppley at alumni.caltech.edu)
> -------------- Enclosure number 1 ----------------
> * This message contains the file 'test of html attachment.htm', which has been
> * uuencoded. If you are using Pegasus Mail, then you can use
> * the browser's eXtract function to lift the original contents
> * out to a file, otherwise you will have to extract the message
> * and uudecode it manually.
> begin 660 test of html attachment.htm
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-When I makes tea I makes tea, as old mother Grogan said. And when I makes
water I makes water.
James Joyce
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