[EM] STV is suppose to be a PR method.

David Catchpole s349436 at student.uq.edu.au
Mon Oct 25 00:18:08 PDT 1999

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Craig Carey wrote:

> >     If you do not believe in this policy, then you have no business
> >claiming to support PR. If you do believe in this policy, then you have no
> >business supporting features and actions that make a system less
> >proportional.
> That is the first use of the word "policy". How did you get to the idea,
>  "policy"?. What is the "policy"?. What is the definition of a "belief".
> Policies are something that can be photocopied or else (or else there
>  might be an Information Ombusdman investigation).

Ce wha...?

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