[EM] Proportional means equal portions of the whole.

David Catchpole s349436 at student.uq.edu.au
Sun Oct 24 22:37:22 PDT 1999

>      The proportionality of a Droop STV election will depend on the number
> of seats, the more seats, the higher the level of proportionality. For
> example: a Three seat district Droop STV election can give us a near 75 %
> proportionality, better than Plurality-At-Large, but not as good as Hare
> STV.

I think you'll find that the degree of proportionality of a Droop election
is equal to (if not more than, if we accept a different definition of
proportionality which considers variation from proportionality of highest
votes for elected members / parties,) that for Hare. Consider an election
where n of the candidates each receive 1/n of the vote. They will all win
in either. This will also count for parties with multiples of
1/n of the vote. Similarly, where n of the candidates each receive 1/(n+1)
of the vote, they will all win in either, and this too extends to both
Droop and "Hare." I challenge you to come up with a scenario where Droop
does worse than Hare for some measure of proportionality.

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