[EM] Proportional preferential voting

David Catchpole s349436 at student.uq.edu.au
Sun Oct 3 23:20:21 PDT 1999

Writing after two weeks without e-mail (bliss!)

Unfortunately, I miswrote the IIA statements because I got into the groove
of writing "removal or addition"-

Here they are corrected-

> >"The removal or addition of an option which has not been selected will not
> >alter the outcome unless the new option wins"

> >for models of preference-
> >
> >"The removal or addition of an option should not alter the preference
> >between any other pair of options"
> >
> >for probabilistic models of choice-
> >
> >"The removal (addition) of an option which has not been selected will
	not reduce (increase) the chances of any outcome where that option is
	not chosen"

etc. etc. Apologies for being a silly git. At least, I understood what IIA
was in my head? (plaintive look)

In response to the "instantataneous quota" problem with curvature, I'm
wondering if you mean curvature over Saari's cuboid, or something else. Is
the "boundary" monotonic still? I'd like some more information on this
apparent curvature and its ramifications.

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