[EM] More on JITW (was Re: Circular Stand-Off)
Steve Eppley
SEppley at alumni.caltech.edu
Thu May 27 17:04:13 PDT 1999
Markus Schulze wrote (in a message I nearly missed
since I don't read all the EM messages):
> Dear Steve,
> You will have to explain why you think that JITW is an
> improvement. When you write that "there is no 'correct'
> candidate to withdraw (or to elect) when there is a sincere
> circular tie," you admit that JITW doesn't lead to a "better"
> election result than every other Smith Criterion election
> method (since every candidate of the top set is equally
> qualified).
No, what I said (or meant to say) is that every candidate of
the *sincere* top cycle is equally qualified.
What we want is to elect a member of the sincere top cycle,
not a "voted" top cycle which may include the "less qualified"
candidate of a faction voting strategically, plus a patsy
candidate which the reversers insincerely ranked ahead of one
or more of the sincere top cycle.
Simply satisfying the Top Cycle criterion isn't enough to
distinguish a strategically voted top cycle from the sincere
one, as far as I know. But the patsy may have an incentive
to withdraw, and if this withdrawal is allowed by JITW this
would elect one of the sincere top cycle.
* *
I don't think that JITW will be needed with a good method like
TopCycle//Condorcet(VotesAgainst) or Schulze's method. I'm
not advocating JITW at this point for use with such methods,
only for use with IRV where IRV is being pushed.
The main purpose of JITW is to mitigate the flaw of
Instant Runoff, by using JITW//IRV. IRV does not satisfy
the Top Cycle (Smith) criterion, and can easily defeat the
entire top cycle. So I wonder whether Markus (and others)
would agree that JITW//IRV is better than IRV. (Mike Ossipoff
has agreed.)
An important element of the JITW proposal is that the voters'
orders of preference will be published. (This won't be a
violation of the secret ballot, since no information which
could identify how any individual voted would be published.)
Without the orders of preference, how can we tell empirically
when IRV fails to elect one of the top cycle? I would hope
that IRV initiatives would require the publishing (on the
internet) of the voters' orders of preferences, but I expect
those advocates would be afraid of empirical evidence.
Certainly CV&D hasn't shown any willingness to recommend
that preference order voting initiatives mandate the
publishing of the preference orders.
I don't think order reversal will be significant in public
elections; it's truncation which methods need to deter or
withstand. Top cycle methods which are already highly-
resistant to truncation wouldn't need JITW.
I would propose JITW for use with a good top cycle method
in the future, in the following circumstances:
1. Order reversal is perceived to be a significant problem,
empirically, after the adoption of the top cycle method.
2. Order reversal is predicted to be a significant problem,
theoretically, and thereby deters adoption of the
top cycle method.
3. Alternatives are still deterred from competing for fear
of spoiling, in spite of the top cycle method making
spoiling rare.
> And the claim that JITW guarantees that no candidate
> will regret having competed, is simply not true.
> Example: JITW//Smith//Condorcet[EM] is used.
> A:B=48:52
> A:C=53:47
> A:D=43:57
> A:E=44:56
> B:C=45:55
> B:D=42:58
> B:E=62:38
> C:D=54:46
> C:E=41:59
> D:E=40:60
> A, B, and C won't withdraw under any circumstances.
> Candidate D prefers B to C to E to A.
> Candidate E prefers C to B to D to A.
> If no candidate withdraws, candidate A is elected.
> If only candidate D withdraws, candidate B is elected.
> If only candidate E withdraws, candidate C is elected.
> If both candidates, D and E, withdraw, candidate A is elected.
I acknowledge that the guarantee of no regret isn't ironclad.
But it's still an important argument. Markus had to concoct
an unrealistic example in which all three of A, B, and C will,
for unstated reasons, never withdraw.
I think Markus missed the point; there's a more important
point than that (almost) no one will regret having run.
Consider the effect of JITW on potential candidates when
they are deciding whether to run, and on parties when they are
deciding whether to nominate additional candidates for an
office. What they do at that time is more important than what
they feel after the election. What will they do at that time?
Will they predict they will almost certainly not regret
running, and therefore decide to compete? Or will they fear
there's a significant chance they'll regret running, and so
decide not to compete? If candidates are quite confident they
won't be spoilers, they are more likely to choose to compete.
An example like Markus' wouldn't deter people from competing,
since it isn't plausible.
I withdraw my claim that JITW guarantees candidates will never
regret competing, and substitute the more important claim:
With JITW, rational potential candidates will not be
deterred by a fear of spoiling from competing.
I should have expressed it this way to begin with, but then
Markus wouldn't have disproved the ironclad guarantee. :-)
* *
I should have posted replies to comments about JITW months
ago. I wrote quite a lot I'd intended to post, but I didn't
complete those messages.
When I first mentioned JITW last year, the only reply was from
Demorep, who misunderstood the example I posted. He thought
that I meant C would withdraw in order to foil the reversal,
and asked how can C know the votes were insincere? But if he
rereads the message he'll see I never said that the ACB votes
were definitely reversals. (I placed a '?' alongside them.)
The reason I provided why C would choose to withdraw was
not because C would want to foil the reversal but because
C's preferences are presumably similar to the preferences
of the C voters, who mostly prefer B to A.
After I brought up JITW again months later, there was a reply
by Donald Davison, who claimed JITW would produce more
corruption. Davison claimed, in his rude way, that I was
being unrealistic by not considering that candidates could be
bribed to withdraw. But in fact I had considered that, and
I've also considered, unlike Davison apparently, that in any
system candidates can also be bribed to withdraw before
election day, or bribed to sabotage their own campaigns.
That would produce an outcome no worse than if the bribery
occurs after the voting. Maybe this happens all the time;
it's hard to tell if gaffes are intentional...
Davison's example requires 2/3 of the top cycle to be corrupt.
(This is a situation in which a nonJITW topcycle method would
be expected to elect a corrupt winner 2/3 of the time, and
other methods would also tend to elect corrupt winners.)
With JITW and/or a good top cycle method, I don't consider 2/3
to be realistic, since noncorrupt candidates won't be deterred
from competing because their fear of spoiling has been
removed. If we believe that voters will tend to rank the
noncorrupt ahead of the corrupt, corrupt candidates will have
a tough time reaching the top cycle.
It's unclear whether Davison understood that a candidate
bribed to withdraw would be declining his own election in that
example. That's a large bribe, presumably.
Since withdrawal decisions would be scrutinized by the media,
they'd better appear clean, else political careers would be
ended and winners recalled by petition.
And though Davison may not get it, others will understand that
there's no fundamental reason to be concerned if one of the
sincere top cycle is elected.
It also makes sense, if it's reasonable to suppose that 2/3 of
the top cycle might be corrupt, that sometimes 1/3 of the top
cycle might be corrupt. Compare JITW with nonJITW when 1/3 is
corrupt: With nonJITW, the corrupt one will win 1/3 of the
time, wherease JITW would allow the two who aren't corrupt
to defeat the one who is corrupt.
Given a JITW method, half of the opportunities for post-
election bribery would likely be bribes to NOT withdraw.
That's something which a corrupt candidate could get for
free in a nonJITW method, and even when the one not
withdrawing (because he can't in a nonJITW method) is
not corrupt.
Presumably, candidates would be asked to make pre-election
promises regarding withdrawal. If voters aren't satisfied,
they can downrank candidates whose answers are troublesome.
Bart Ingles wrote that he couldn't go along with JITW, but
declined to state a reason why. Since he hasn't gone along
yet with any preference order method, there's nothing there
requiring a reply.
Bart also suggested a vague alternative which, if it worked as
hoped, I would agree is better than JITW. Bart suggested we
try to find some formal procedure in which candidates could
voluntarily publish pre-election withdrawal contingency plans,
then the tallying algorithm would consider those contingency
plans and automatically withdraw candidates when appropriate.
I briefly considered this approach last year, and my tentative
conclusion was that this is not something which is easy to
make work as desired. But I would like for my tentative
conclusion to be disproved; if someone cares to suggest a
rigorously-designed contingency plan syntax and a robust
algorithm for processing the contingency plans, I'd welcome
the efforts.
Markus hasn't provided any persuasive reason not to use JITW.
He made a vague comment that it would be a catastrophe.
But he hasn't explained why JITW//IRV would be worse than IRV;
nor has he explained why JITW//topcycle would be worse than
topcycle, for some good topcycle method. He's devoted some
time to undermining my overstated guarantee regarding regrets,
for which I thank him, but I'd prefer hearing clear arguments
for or against using JITW.
One example Markus gave was that two members of the top cycle
might agree to share power: one might appoint the other his
"vice" and then resign after half a term. So what? -- that
outcome is as good as any since both are in the top cycle.
It sounds like a government of broad consensus, similar to
what happened in Israel during the 1980s when Labor and Likud
agreed to rotate the PM office.
In a semi-private message Markus wrote that a downside of JITW
is that it would encourage candidates of small organizations
to run because their decisions on withdrawal could be
decisive. But that's only true for JITW//Plurality; if a
candidate isn't popular enough to avoid being eliminated &
ignored by the basic method then his withdrawal is irrelevant.
Given JITW//topcyclemethod, a candidate not in the top cycle
is irrelevant and wouldn't be especially encouraged to run.
Given JITW//IRV, a candidate who will be eliminated by IRV
anyway wouldn't be encouraged to run.
Given any top cycle method, small organizations will be
encouraged to run candidates if they believe their candidates
can reach the top cycle:
49: ABC
2: B <-- the candidate of a small organization?
49: CBA
I don't think this is a problem, and I don't think Markus does
either since he advocates top cycle methods.
Markus also wrote that he wants the voters to have the last
word, and JITW would interfere with that. But by the same
reasoning, Markus should object to all parliamentary systems
where the PM & cabinet & control of the legislative agenda are
selected by the legislature instead of directly by the voters.
In most "democratic" nations, the PM is selected by the
legislature in a post-election process: the leaders of the
many elected parties negotiate in a smoke-filled backroom,
not limited in any way by the voters' preferences. (I wonder
if Davison thinks there's little room for bribery there.)
Technically, JITW doesn't take the last word away from the
voters. Given a method like JITW//Schulze, the Schulze tally
is performed *after* the withdrawals. (The JITW 'filter'
selects all alternatives which didn't withdraw by the
withdrawal deadline.) So the question is under what
circumstances would voters would change their preferences
after the withdrawal deadline, because of withdrawal
decisions they didn't like.
* *
I recently wrote some software to test 3-alternative scenarios
for various numbers of voters to find all scenarios where
reversal of ABC to ACB may defeat "condorcet winner" B,
electing A. For simplicity I assumed voters' sincere
preferences are all strict (no pairwise indifference), since
this speeds up the program execution and made it easier to
write. The software also ignores scenarios where reversal
causes pairwise ties, since with large numbers of voters
pairties will be very rare and I didn't want the output to
depend on my choice of tie-breakers.
The software generated a database of scenarios and calculated
a number of stats for each method, plus summary stats. One of
the stats is related to JITW. I posited that if more than 60%
of the voters who prefer C the most also prefer B more than A,
then C would withdraw and B would not, and the reversal tactic
would be foiled.
Result: Given Condorcet(VotesAgainst) or Schulze's Method,
in about 75% of the scenarios where reversal can succeed,
more than 60% of the C voters prefer B to A, suggesting
that C would withdraw to defend sincere winner B.
Another interesting result is that in many of the scenarios
where 60% or fewer of the C voters prefer B more than A, A has
a better sincere Borda score than B. When A's sincere Borda
score is better than B's, I'm not particularly troubled by
A's election.
I also coded the Copeland//Plurality method, which satisfies
the top cycle criterion, and found that *in nearly every
scenario* where reversal may succeed, more than 60% of
the C voters prefer B more than A.
I'm posting a summary of the software output in a separate
---Steve (Steve Eppley seppley at alumni.caltech.edu)
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