[EM] Idiots and tyrants?

Wiseman, Julian julian.wiseman at csfb.com
Wed Jul 28 04:11:49 PDT 1999

An important point. Is the government there to govern, or to "represent
every area of society"? I don't agree with the extremists, and the freedom
of the press is there to ensure that they can be heard. Indeed, if "every
area of society" is to be represented, then surely there should be as many
seats as voters. That is direct democracy. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David Pierce [SMTP:davidpiercedmu at yahoo.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, July 28, 1999 11:54 AM
> To:	election-methods-list at eskimo.com
> Subject:	Re: [EM] Idiots and tyrants?
> Electoral systems which penalise the extreme political parties can not
> be used in a democracy which assumes to represent every area of
> society, and where the legislature should be a microcosm of society.
> Ok, their opnions may be racist, but they are still their opinions. You
> don't have to agree with them, but their opnions should still be heard.
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