[EM] Government and Industry - FWD

Donald E Davison donald at mich.com
Mon Jul 26 05:20:54 PDT 1999

  ----------- Forwarded Letter -----------    July 26 1999
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 11:23:46 -0400
From: Jim Weaver
Organization: GCES
To: donald at mich.com
Subject:  Government and Industry

         G O V E R N M E N T   A N D   I N D U S T R Y

In February at the PASA Conference William McDonough touched on this
phenomenon of
government and industry. He refered to the work of Jane Jacobs and a book
she wrote
called "Systems for Survival". I was intrigued by this concept so got a
copy. It's an
interesting dialog on the moral foundations of commerce and politics. In it
(and during
McDonough's keynote speech) the concept of two moral syndromes, one for
individuals and
business, the other for government and political leaders.

Commercial Moral Syndrome
        Shun force
        Come to voluntary agreements
        Be honest
        Collaborate easily with strangers and aliens
        Respect contracts
        Use initiative and enterprise
        Be open to inventiness and novelty
        Be efficient
        Promote comfort and convenience
        Dissent for the sake of the task
        Invest for productive purposes
        Be industrious
        Be thrifty
        Be optimistic

Guardian Moral Syndrome

        Shun trading
        Exert prowess
        Be obedient and disciplined
        Adhere to tradition
        Respect hierarchy
        Be loyal
        Take vengenance
        Deceive for the sake of the task
        Make rich use of leisure
        Be ostentatious
        Dispense largesse
        Be exclusive
        Show fortitude
        Be fatalistic
        Treasure honor

These syndromes have evolved over time and Jacobs developes the ideas and
concepts in
her book. The most germane to the discussion here is the "monstrous
hybrid"-anytime you
mix the two syndromes. The mafia is the classic example. The U.S.
government, especially
appointed officials is becoming another. As you read the two you will get
little tingles
of where we have hybridized the two.

I don't have answers to your "why?" and "when?" I offer these syndromes and
concepts for
further discussion.

Jim Weaver
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