Decision Table by Jim Lindsay

Donald E Davison donald at
Fri Feb 26 02:56:36 PST 1999

Greetings List,

     Jim Lindsay, Vice-President of the California Proportional
Representation group made up a decision table in order compare IRV with
     But, I would value some factors differently, as follows: [my values]

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     Jim Lindsay's Decision Table - with Don Davison's [comments]

Factor                                  Weight       Condorcet      IRV
-------------------------------------   ------       ---------     -----
Voters can rank without worrying
about harming #1 choice.                  90 [200]      40          100
  [This is twice as important as any of the other factors.]

Avoids runoff elections                  100            95          100

Can write one set of rules for STV        85             0          100
and it.

Has a ranked ballot; so it moves
towards STV possibilities later.          80           100          100

Has momentum in the PR movement           80            10           75

PR people are educated about it           80            10           80

Simple to explain                         95            50 [10]      60 [80]
   [We must also explain the circular tie solution.]

Encourages votes for alternatives         90           100          100

Elects compromise candidates              60           100           50

Elects candidates with strong support     60            50          100

A voters 2nd rank packs equal relative
power as his 1st choice.                  50 [-80]     100            0
 [I regard this as a negative, if Jim means relative power at the same time.]

Voters can just vote their heart         100           100          100
                                                   -------      -------
           TOTALS  [Jim's]                          57,750       81,600

 T H E   C O D E   O F   H O N O R   F O R   R E F O R M   A C T I V I S T S

     Any group of reform activists that are thinking about a petition drive
to place a proposal on the ballot are to present their proposal beforehand
to all other reform activists that they know of. The time for debate and
negative comments is before the petition stage. Once the group makes its
final proposal and enters the petition stage, the debates and negative
comments by all reform activists is to cease.
    At this time each activist is to make an honest evaluation. If the
initiative will improve government then each activist is to find it in his
heart to support the initiative, even if it is not exactly what the
activist would like.

   |                         Q U O T A T I O N                         |
   |  "Democracy is a beautiful thing,                                 |
   |       except that part about letting just any old yokel vote."    |
   |                            - Age 10                               |

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