[EM] RE : Re: When and how can we speak of "individual utility" and "social utility"?
Kevin Venzke
stepjak at yahoo.fr
Wed Feb 28 16:11:48 PST 2007
--- Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <abd at lomaxdesign.com> a écrit :
> While it is already true that Range and Approval *do*
> satisfy that Criterion, in my opinion, on the argument that the
> majority has consented to a different outcome,
"Majority criterion" has a specific meaning. It in effect says that a
majority can elect their first preference without concealing lower
preferences. You can hardly say that Range satisfies MF on the argument
that a majority could have concealed their lower preferences. That
would be like saying a product is free of charge to you because you can
choose not to buy it.
Kevin Venzke
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