[EM] A more efficient strategy-free ratings-based method than Hay voting

Forest W Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Tue Feb 13 10:48:45 PST 2007


If I understand your method correctly, it is a refinement of the 
following method which is based on so called "ranked preferences" 
wherein the voters have some way of expressing their own relative 
preference strengths:

Three ballots i, j, and k are drawn at random. Let A, B, and C 
designate their respective top candidates.

IF ballot i expresses  A>C>>B AND ballot j expresses B>C>>A, THEN C is 
elected, ELSE a fair coin is tossed to decide between A and B.

Would their be any incentive in this crude imitation of your method for 
voters to express false relative preference strengths?


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