[EM] Proposal

Forest W Simmons fsimmons at pcc.edu
Fri Feb 23 16:55:34 PST 2007

This is for those that didn't see this proposal buried in the details 
of a longer posting.  There it was called method 1' .  Here I'll call 
it UncAA for reasons that I will explain later:

>From each covered candidate draw an arrow to the most approved 
candidate that covers it.  Then start with the most approved candidate 
and follow the arrows as far as they go.  Elect the candidate at the 
end of the path.

That's the proposal.

Remember that "X covers Y" just means that X defeats every candidate 
that Y defeats.

The name UncAA is supposed to remind us that we get an Uncovered 
candidate by starting at the Approval winner and following arrows that 
favor high Approval.

The name UncRA would be a method based on the same arrows, but the 
starting point would be a Randomly chosen candidate.

The name UncAR would be a method based on arrows favoring the order on 
a Randomly chosen ballot, but with the Approval winner as starting 

Another possibility:  For each candidate C draw the arrow to the 
candidate the candidate that covers C against which C scores the least 
pairwise opposition.

This leads to methods UncAPO and UncRPO, for example.


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