[EM] RE : Re: Range voting, zero-info strategy simulation (raphfrk)

raphfrk at netscape.net raphfrk at netscape.net
Mon Nov 6 07:26:28 PST 2006

 > From: abd at lomaxdesign.com
 > At 11:10 AM 11/2/2006, raphfrk at netscape.net wrote: 
 > >This would mean that the utility of a candidate is equal 
 > >to the utility to the voter plus some fraction of the 
 > >utility to society. 
 > This assumes, apparently, that there is a utility to society that is not a utility to the members of society. 
 > I think that is a false assumption. 
 It was supposed to represent the utility of not having to go up against a dedicated sub-group. 
 The vote is "I want to do what is best for everyone" or maybe "I don't want to seriously piss anyone off". 
 However, I guess that can be folded into personal utility.
 I would agree that ultimately utility comes from people rather than "society".
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