[EM] wv equivalent to margins when unranked pairs given 1/2 vote each?

matt at tidalwave.net matt at tidalwave.net
Thu Sep 19 04:50:44 PDT 2002

Counting unranked candidate pairs as zero votes each, Bart's example results are:
        wv ABC	mar ABC
C       T   NT	 T   NT
B T    A/C B	 A/C A
A NT   B   B	 C   B

Where A/C is a tie.  Both ABC and CBA either gain nothing or lose by truncating 
(for both wv and margins) given that A/C and B have equal utility.  Adam's claim 
survives Bart's challange.  

If you give the unranked pairs 1/2 vote each then the wv result becomes identical to 
the margin result as shown above.  My conjecture is:  If you give multiple 
unranked candidates 1/2 vote each then both wv and margins have the no 
strategic truncation incentive (NSTI) property.  If, as I maintain, there is no 
overall disadvantage to giving 1/2 vote each to multiple unranked candidates, and if 
my conjecture is correct, then there is no basis for claiming that this NSTI property 
favors wv over margins.
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