<div dir="ltr"><div>[Quote]</div><div>
<div class="gmail-"><div class="gmail-aHl"></div><div id="gmail-:ym" tabindex="-1"></div><div id="gmail-:19n" class="gmail-ii gmail-gt gmail-adO"><div id="gmail-:yk" class="gmail-a3s gmail-aiL"><div dir="auto">Republicans were trying to ban RCV before the Alaska election. <br></div><div>[/Quote]</div><div><br></div><div>Same thing happened in Burlington. CW eliminated & transfers went away from Rep;publican & toward Progressive.</div><div><br></div><div>...& there hasn't just been one repeal. I've been told that there have been a fair number of repeals of RCV. When people expect RCV to act like Condorcet, & it doesn't, RCV then has repeal as a built-in feature.<br></div></div></div></div>