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<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">TO: All EM contributors</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">FROM: Steve<br>
<blockquote style="margin-left:0in"><span lang="en-US">I agree with the recent discussions recall</span><span lang="en-US">ing</span><span lang="en-US"> the virtues of STV. However, my co-authors and I believe we have created an advance on STV.
</span><span lang="en-US">It is</span><span lang="en-US"> called evaluative proportional representation (EPR)
</span><span lang="en-US">and w</span><span lang="en-US">e would very much </span>
<span lang="en-US">like </span><span lang="en-US">EM contributors </span><span lang="en-US">to
</span><span lang="en-US">challenge and </span><span lang="en-US">test the validity of the following claims we make for EPR.</span></blockquote>
<blockquote style="margin-left:0in"><span lang="en-US">If STV is used to elect a seven-member city council at-large, about 12% of all the citizens’ votes cast would be wasted in the sense that they did not help to elect a representative of their choice. Of
course, this is much better than about half of the votes being wasted </span><span lang="en-US">as is frequently the case</span><span lang="en-US"> when plurality at-large is being use. For example, collectively the current
</span><span lang="en-US">seven members of </span><span lang="en-US">Santa Cruz </span>
<span lang="en-US">California</span><span lang="en-US"></span><span lang="en-US">city</span><span lang="en-US"> council were elected by an average of about 46%
</span><span lang="en-US">of all the votes cast</span><span lang="en-US">. This means that about 54% of my fellow citizens’ vote</span><span lang="en-US">s
</span><span lang="en-US">were wasted, or “diluted” in the sense meant in my understanding of
</span><span lang="en-US">the</span><span lang="en-US"> California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). This is why Santa Cruz
</span><span lang="en-US">is under threat of being</span><span lang="en-US"> sued
</span><span lang="en-US">according to</span><span lang="en-US"> this act.</span></blockquote>
<blockquote style="margin-left:0in"><span lang="en-US">However, we argue that the adoption of EPR at-large elections would provide the most democratic remedy.
</span><span lang="en-US">This is because it</span><span lang="en-US"> remov</span><span lang="en-US">es</span><span lang="en-US"> such “dilution” as much as possible. In fact, we claim that EPR guarantees
</span><span lang="en-US">that </span><span lang="en-US">each citizen’</span><span lang="en-US">s</span><span lang="en-US"> vote will equally add to the voting power of the elected candidate they see as likely to represent their hopes and concerns most faithfully.
This means the council will be proportionally elected by all voters </span><span lang="en-US">(100%)</span><span lang="en-US">. Each member will have a
</span><span lang="en-US">different </span><span lang="en-US">weighted vote in the council exactly equal to the number of citizens’ votes counted for them.</span></blockquote>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><u>How Evaluative Proportional Representation Works:</u></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">Like majority judgment (MJ), EPR invites you to vote most expressively by grading at least one candidate’s suitability for office as either Excellent, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, or Reject. You can award
the same grade to more than one candidate. You are assured that your one EPR vote of at least Acceptable will quantitatively increase the voting power in the council of the elected candidate who receives your “highest possible grade”.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">When possible, your highest grade on your ballot is added to the running total of that elected member. If this is not possible because not enough other citizens graded that candidate highly, your ballot is instead
counted for the elected candidate your ballot awarded its remaining highest grade. If your ballot contains no such remaining highest graded candidate, your proxy vote equally increases the voting power of the elected candidate your highest graded candidate
publicly judges to be the most suitable for office. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">The above may be further clarified by a more detailed example of EPR’s four-stage count:</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;margin-top:0.17in;orphans:0;widows:0">
<span lang="en-US">A</span>ssume you graded the candidates on the ballot as follows: Excellent: both Collins and Levy; Very Good: Cosby; Good: Neuman; Acceptable: Glover</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">The first rounds of <u>Stage 1</u> of the EPR count determine to which of the candidates’ running total of votes your Excellent is exclusively but provisionally added – either Collins’s or Levy’s. It goes to the
candidate who has the largest number of votes at that point in the count (ties broken by lot). This is justified by the democratic assumption that the candidate who has more votes is probably better.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">After counting all the ballots that award at least one candidate as Excellent, next are similarly counted all the remaining ballots that awarded Very Good as their highest grade. Similarly, the remaining ballots
are then counted that used Good as their highest grade. Finally, all the remaining ballots using Acceptable as their highest grade are counted.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">Say your Excellent goes to Levy. Again, in
<u>Stage 1</u>, your Excellent is added only provisionally to Levy. This is because your ballot may have to be transferred to another candidate by<span></span><u> Stage 2</u> if Levy has received
<u>too many votes</u> of at least Acceptable, as explained next .</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">To avoid the remote but anti-democratic possibility of a candidate being able to dictate to the council by retaining more than 50% of all the weighted votes in the council, our EPR algorithm does not allow a member
to retain more than 20% of these votes. This requires at least three members to agree before any majority decision can be made in the council.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%">Consequently, if Levy had received more than 20% in
<u>Stage</u> 1, in <u>Stage 2</u> your ballot could be selected by lot as one of the surplus ballots to be transferred to the remaining highest graded candidate on your ballot. If so selected, your ballot would automatically be transferred to Collins (unless
receiving your ballot would give her a surplus). If this would happen, your ballot is instead transferred under the same condition either to Cosby, Newman, or Glover. If none of these candidates are eligible, your proxy vote is finally added in
<u>Stage 4</u> to the weighted vote<font color="#000000"> of the winner publicly judged by Levy
</font><font color="#000000">(the candidate you gave your highest grade)</font><font color="#000000"> to be most fit for office.
</font><font color="#000000">If you want, you may </font><font color="#000000">prohibit
</font><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US">this</span></font><font color="#000000"> use of your proxy vote by circling NO in the relevant box near the end of your ballot.</font></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US">At the beginning of
</span></font><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US"><u>Stage 3</u></span></font><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US">, the
</span></font><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US">seven</span></font><font color="#000000"><span lang="en-US"> candidat</span></font><span lang="en-US">e</span><span lang="en-US">s</span><span lang="en-US"> to be elected are those who have
</span><span lang="en-US">accrue</span><span lang="en-US">d the largest numbers of votes by that stage. All the ballots currently held by candidates not elected are transfe</span><span lang="en-US">r</span><span lang="en-US">red to one of the winners in the
same way as outlined for </span><span lang="en-US"><u>Stage 2</u></span><span lang="en-US"> above. As a result,
</span><span lang="en-US">your</span><span lang="en-US"> vote equally adds to the weighted vote of the winner that finally receives
</span><span lang="en-US">your</span><span lang="en-US"> highest grade, remaining highest grade, or proxy vote – the winner
</span><span lang="en-US">you</span><span lang="en-US"> see as likely to represent
</span><span lang="en-US">your</span><span lang="en-US"> hopes and concerns most faithfully.</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%;text-indent:0.5in"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;line-height:100%"><span lang="en-US">What do you think?</span></p>