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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------<br />
Subject: Re: [EM] How to get ranked-choice preferrers to accept Score-Voting.<br />
From: "Chris Benham" <cbenhamau@yahoo.com.au><br />
Date: Mon, March 4, 2019 3:07 am<br />
To: election-methods@lists.electorama.com<br />
Cc: ApprovalVoting@yahoogroups.com<br />
RangeVoting@yahoogroups.com<br />
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> Ranking can always be inferred from ratings if enough ratings slots are<br />
> available to give each candidate<br />
> a different rating.<br />
><br />
> "Some people" like the idea of the Single Transferable Vote algorithm<br />
> and others like the idea of always electing the Condorcet winner.</p><p>i am of the latter persuasion. whenever someone other than the Condorcet winner is elected (assuming there is a CW), then we've elected someone where the voters have marked their ballots that they prefer someone
else. this is what happened in Burlington Vermont in 2009.</p><p>> Neither of these concepts have any use for ratings or "score" ballots.</p><p>yup. Score ballots require tactical voting from voters. How high should we score our second choice? Too high and we
help our second choice beat the first choice. Not high enough and we help our third choice beat our second choice. What to do, what to do?<br /><br />
> I am a bit disconcerted by the concept of "negative ranks".</p><p>yup. bad idea.</p><p>> The method ⸘Ŭalabio‽ proposes seems to me to be very Borda-like (and<br />
> therefore not good).</p><p>yup. not good.<br />
</p><p>--<br />
<br />
r b-j rbj@audioimagination.com<br />
<br />
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."<br />
</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>