<style>@font-face{font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}</style><font face="Calibri"><p dir=ltr><br>
For anyone, there exists a set of candidates such that, for that person, electing from that set is more important than the matter of _which_ member of that set wins.</p>
<p dir=ltr>That is hir "operational top-set".</p>
<p dir=ltr>Also, there's a set of candidates who are so close to you<span style="color: #1f497d;"> that you perceive them as </span>th<span style="color: #1f497d;">e</span> very best, whom you really like & completely trust--what you really want.</p>
<p dir=ltr>I'll call that your "best top-set".</p>
<p dir=ltr>When I say " top-set " or "favorites", I mean operational top-set, with the understanding that I suggest that your operational top-set should consist of your best top-set.</p>
<p dir=ltr>...instead of including some dismal pessimistic compromise like Hillary.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Your "bottom-set" consists of everyone who isn't in your top-set.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Approval's 2-valued ratings perfectly match the candidates' 2 important categories (top-set & bottom-set).</p>
<p dir=ltr>Approving your top-set maximizes the probability of electing from your top-set.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Approval is the method that asks the relevant question.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Based in the above, it _is_ possible to objectively say what the best method is. It's Approval.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Yes, people want to vote not only _for_ their top-set--they want to also vote _among_ their top-set.</p>
<p dir=ltr>In other words, they want it all.</p>
<p dir=ltr>That's too much to ask of a voting-system. You'll increase the probability of electing from your bottom-set.</p>
<p dir=ltr><span style="color: #1f497d;">If</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">you're</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> concerned that people will </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">over-compromise</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> in Approval, reme</span>mber that, if we ever even have verifiably-counted (and therefore legitimate) elections--let alone a better voting-system--that would only happen in a very different world. ...one in which we'd also have honest, open, participatory media, free & open public discussion<span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">and</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">a</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">well-informed</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">e</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">!</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">ectorate</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr>In that world, I suggest that your worry is unfounded.</p>
<p dir=ltr>But a choice of proposal must depend on what voters and the proposal committee or organization demands.<br>
<span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><br>
And if you want a better voting-system in some municipality, under current conditions, you might be tempted to use ranking, to achieve MMC...for something relatively foolproof<span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr>But MMC knly benefits voters who are majority-favored.</p>
<p dir=ltr>A voter is majority-favored if a majority prefer at least part of hir top-set to everyone else.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Arguably it's more fair without MMC, because it can't be available for all voters.</p>
<p dir=ltr>Also, because strategy is usually different, depending on whether you're majority-favore<span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span>then the safety of your top-set depends on judging whether you're majority-favored. <span style="color: #1f497d;">If</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">you</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">aren't</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">sure</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">you're</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">majority</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">-favored</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">you</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">should</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">assume</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">that</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> you </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">aren't</span>...suggesting that Approval would be better.</p>
<p dir=ltr><span style="color: #1f497d;">With</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">a</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">rank-method</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">instead</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">of</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">Approval</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, in </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">general</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">you</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">must</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">accept</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">at</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">least</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">a</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">somewhat</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">greater</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">probability</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">of</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">electing</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">from</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">your</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">bottom</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">-set</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr>But if you choose ranking, then there's no best. No rank-methods dominates the others.</p>
<p dir=ltr>I suggest that the best rank methods consist of 3 Bucklin versions and MAM. Which to choose depends on what people insist on, and what kind offensive and defensive strategy is expected.</p>
<p dir=ltr>3 Bucklin versions: </p>
<p dir=ltr>1. Plain Bucklin:</p>
<p dir=ltr>No equal-ranking or skipping.</p>
<p dir=ltr>2. B or A:</p>
<p dir=ltr>You can vote Plain Bucklin or Approval</p>
<p dir=ltr>3. ER Bucklin:</p>
<p dir=ltr>Equal ranking allowed. No skipping. ...except that if you equal-rank n candidates in a round, then the count rule automatically skips n-1 rounds before giving votes at your next rank.</p>
<p dir=ltr>None of those dominates the others. It depends on people's demands, expected strategy, and on how daring & adventurous voters are.</p>
<p dir=ltr>MAM is the method that could offer the safest sincere-order ranking<span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">if</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">people</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">avoid</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">ranking</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">below</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">the</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">expected</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">CW</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr><span style="color: #1f497d;">That</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">deters</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">burial</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">which</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">would</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">backfire</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr><span style="color: #1f497d;">In </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">Bucklin</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">too</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">and</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">Approval</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">it's</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">best</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">to</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">not</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">vote</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">below</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> the </span>expected<span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">sincere</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">CW</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">. </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">But</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">in</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">MAM</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">doing</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">so</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">is</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">harmless</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">unless</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">burial</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">is</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">attempted</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr>A few merit comparisons are sure, however:</p>
<p dir=ltr>MJ is nowhere near as good as the Bucklin versions with MMC and sufficient rating or ranking levels.</p>
<p dir=ltr><span style="color: #1f497d;">MJ</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">advocates</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">obfuscate</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">it</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> & </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">its</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> strategy, for </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">themselves</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">, </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">by</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">their</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">non-Bucklin</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">wording</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">of</span><span style="color: #1f497d;"> </span><span style="color: #1f497d;">it</span><span style="color: #1f497d;">.</span></p>
<p dir=ltr>Michael Ossipoff</p>