<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Geneva" FAMILY="SANSSERIF" SIZE="4">Single winner case - Divided Majority<BR>
26 ABZ<BR>
25 BAZ<BR>
49 Z??<BR>
Note that Z has 51 votes in third (last) place.<BR>
Thus - remove losers -- right to left until there is a majority winner.<BR>
Note in real elections both the majority and minority groups might have multiple choices -- with some confused overlapping with the *middle* voters.<BR>
Some of the Z voters might obviously prefer the lesser of the A or B *evils*. <BR>
ANY election reform has to be really simple to get past the low low low math brain cells of SCOTUS and the media.<BR>
For legislative body elections a choice would be elected when he/she got a Droop Quota --<BR>
Each winner would have a voting power equal to the final votes he/she gets (direct and moved votes).</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Geneva" FAMILY="SANSSERIF" SIZE="2"></FONT></HTML>