<div dir="ltr">As a quick reminder, SODA stands for simple optionally-delegated approval. It's a three-step delegated method: in step 1, each candidate declares a strict preference order over the other candidates; in step 2, voters submit approval ballots over candidates plus a dummy "do not delegate" candidate, with single approvals counting as delegated ballots; and in step 3, candidates sequentially assign additional approvals on the ballots delegated to them, consistent with their step 1 preference order, and with highest approval total assigning first.<div>
<br></div><div>So I'm working on a basic citeable paper for arxiv on the properties of this method. I finally finished proving mono-plump (assuming candidates are honest in step 1; in practice, dishonesty in step 1 would tend to be punished in step 2, as well as being revealed in step 3 for possible punishment in later elections; so this assumption is I think pretty reasonable). That's really the basis for proving all of the other desirable properties of this method.</div>
<div><br></div><div>So, the question is, what other properties should I include? The properties I like are things like "if there is a true Condorcet winner that is potentially visible in the ballots, then votes which are honestly-delegated as much as possible without contradicting honest preferences regarding that winner, will be a strong Nash equilibrium which elects the Condorcet winner, and one which is preferable to any other strong Nash equilibria for some coherent majority of voters." Which is a mouthful and a half, but actually a nice desirable property: in most real-world cases, even perfect information would not give you any robust strategic reason not to delegate. (Note that this property does not call for the existence of a majority Condorcet winner, unlike, say, any roughly similar property you might try to state for approval or median systems.)</div>
<div><br></div><div>Here's some other properties I think I could prove, in both technical terms, and practical terms:</div><div><br></div><div>"For a zero-information voter, assuming that candidate strategy in step 3 is rationally consistent with their delegation in step 1, the correct strategy for you as a voter is to delegate if a candidate's predeclaration agrees with half or more of your preferences, weighted by your preference strengths. Otherwise, it is to approve of candidates at or above average utility."... in other words, delegation is a good strategy and you might as well just delegate to your favorite and go home, especially if you're moderately lazy about evaluating all the candidates.</div>
<div><br></div><div>"If the probability for each voter of agreeing with any of their candidate's predeclared preferences is a fixed p>50%, and independent of the opinions of other voters, then the probability that, if a majority Condorcet winner exists, that fact will be potentially visible in voted ballots, and therefore by the first property stated above that candidate will win in a 'doubly strong' Nash equilibrium with most votes delegated, approaches 1 as the number of voters goes to infinity"... in other words, if candidates are representative of the majority of their constituency in every regard, then the system can consistently find the optimal winner, with minimal work from the voters.</div>
<div><br></div><div>"If the probability that a candidate will disagree with the majority of their voters about a given pairwise preference is ε falling to zero, then the probability that a majority Condorcet winner who exists will not be visible through delegation (as above) is no greater than nε where n is the number of candidates; this holds despite the total number of disagreements rising as n³ε." In other words, the result just above is at least moderately robust to candidates who disagree with their constituency in a small number of cases.</div>
<div><br></div><div>The above properties are my attempts at defining Condorcet-like properties that this passes. As for more-traditional properties, SODA passes:</div><div><br></div><div>Majority</div><div>Mutual majority¹</div>
<div>Condorcet loser²</div><div>Smith²</div><div>Cloneproof³</div><div>Monotone⁴</div><div>Not consistency, but I suspect some consistency-like property which is good enough in practice</div><div>Participation for delegated votes</div>
<div>Rational strategy in stage 3 is NOT to my knowledge polytime, but pathological cases would take dozens of evenly-balanced candidates with preference orders that are highly cyclical in general. Also, the system itself is clearly polytime; it's just that you lose some of the nice properties above if you don't assume rationality in stage 3.</div>
<div>Summable O(N)</div><div>Allows equal-ranking</div><div>Allows >2 ranks in some cases (if the desired rank order is available through delegation)</div><div>Not LNHa or LNHe in general, but much closer to both than most systems which violate them. Not sure if I could state this more rigorously; perhaps not.</div>
<div>Bayesian Regret likely to be in the neighborhood of honest Condorcet, and to be very robust under strategic voters.</div><div><br></div><div>¹If stage one is honest and stage 3 is rational.</div><div>²If it's determinable from the ballots</div>
<div>³Assuming the clone's preference order is also cloned</div><div>⁴In at least the half-dozen ways I've been able to check in stage 2; though it may fail for stage 1.</div><div><br></div><div>.....</div><div><br>
</div><div>So, given all the above, I think this is actually an outstandingly good system. But... if you only had room to state and prove, say, 3 or 4 of the above properties, which would you focus on?</div><div><br></div>