Last night I posted brief definitions of FBC (also called Weak FBC) and Strong FBC.<br><br>Intermediate FBC can't be clearly defined that briefly. Henceforth, when I say "Intermediate FBC", I'll be<br>referring to the Intermediate FBC that is defined in this post.<br>
<br>Intermediate FBC:<br><br>Premise:<br><br>"Worse" is the name of the candidate whose defeat (prevention from winning) is the primary voting goal of<br>voter V, in the current election.<br><br>All of the voters have already voted, except for V. The other voters' votes cannot be changed. V has not voted yet,<br>
and can vote in any way.<br><br>C is a configuration of candidates, voters, and the ballots of all the voters except for V.<br><br>C is such that there is a way in which V can make Worse lose, a way which includes V marking hir ballot in a way that places V's<br>
favorite below top.<br><br>C is such that Compromise is the only candidate who can be made to beat Worse, by some way for V to mark <br>hir ballot.<br><br>Requirement:<br><br>If V's ballot has V's favorite and C at top, and has Worse alone at bottom, then Worse won't win.<br>
<br>[end of Intermediate FBC definition]<br><br>