I'm working on sketching out data structures so that <a href="https://vote.heliosvoting.org/">Helios Voting</a>, an online, open-source, cryptographically-verifiable voting system, can use advanced voting procedures such as Range, Majority Judgment, and SODA. (Condorcet is a significantly harder problem but probably doable, and IRV is essentially impossible).<div>
<br></div><div>My question is: for the Range voting structures, is it acceptable to just keep one tally (total score) for each candidate, or do you also need a tally of number of voters who rated/didn't rate a candidate? The latter would be used for average-based schemes; so this question is equivalent to asking, are such schemes important enough to be worth making the data structures more complex? Since I'm the one signing up for the programming work here, I'd appreciate it if answers that ask me to do more work have a reasoning and a strength (ie, "I'd kinda prefer it" versus "I think it is absolutely necessary").</div>