<DIV>Here’s my current favorite deterministic proposal: Ballots are Range Style, say three slot for simplicity.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>When the ballots are collected, the pairwise win/loss/tie relations are<BR>determined among the candidates.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>The covering relations are also determined. Candidate X covers candidate Y if X<BR>beats Y as well as every candidate that Y beats. In other words row X of the<BR>win/loss/tie matrix dominates row Y.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>Then starting with the candidates with the lowest Range scores, they are<BR>disqualified one by one until one of the remaining candidates X covers any other<BR>candidates that might remain. Elect X.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>For practical purposes this method is the same as Smith//Range. Where they<BR>differ, the member of Smith with the highest range score is covered by some<BR>other Smith member with a range score not far behind.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>This method resolves the ABE (approval bad example) in the following way:<BR>Suppose that the ballots are<BR></DIV>
<DIV>49 C<BR>27 A(top)>B(middle)<BR>24 B<BR></DIV>
<DIV>No candidate covers any other candidate. The range order is C>B>A. Both A and<BR>B are removed before reaching candidate C, which is not covered by any<BR>remaining candidate. So the Smith//Range candidate C wins.<BR></DIV>
<DIV>If the ballots are sincere, then nobody can say that the Range winner was a<BR>horrible choice. But more to the point, if the ballots are sincere, the A<BR>supporters have a way of rescuing B: just rate hir equal top with A.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Suppose, on the other hand that the B supporters like A better than C and the A supporters know this. Then the threat of C being elected will deter B faction defection, and they will rationally vote A in the middle:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>49 C<BR>27 A(top)>B(middle)<BR>24 B(top)>A(middle)</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Now A covers both other candidates, so no matter the Range score order A wins.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This completely resolves the ABE to my satisfaction.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>The method also allows for easy defense against burial of the CW.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>In the case</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>40 A>B (sincere A>C>B)</DIV>
<DIV>30 B>C</DIV>
<DIV>30 C>A</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>where C is the sincere CW, the C supporters can defend C's win by truncating A. Then the Nash equilibrium is</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>40 A</DIV>
<DIV>30 B>C</DIV>
<DIV>30 C</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>in which C is the ballot CW, and so is elected.<BR></DIV></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Now for another topic...<BR><BR><BR>MTA vs. MCA</DIV>
<DIV><BR>I like MTA better than MCA because in the case where they differ (two or more<BR>candidates with majorities of top preferences) the MCA decision is made only by<BR>the voters whose ballots already had the effect of getting the ”finalists” into<BR>the final round, while the MTA decision reaches for broader support.<BR>Because of this, in MTA there is less incentive to top rate a lesser evil. If<BR>you don’t believe the fake polls about how hot the lesser evil is, you can take<BR>a wait and see attitude by voting her in the middle slot. If it turns out that<BR>she did end up as a finalist (against the greater evil) then your ballot will<BR>give her full support in the final round.<BR><BR></DIV>