Hi!<br><br>Here is a Schulze implementation, written in python, using gtk.<br>Please someone confirm whether the last step of ranking candidates done correctly. It is in class Result, function compute.<br>It gives correct result for the Tennessee example, but I am not sure.<br>
<br>It is specifically written for situations like a village meeting: lot of people, one computer, and the result should be known instantly.<br>Voting is done by directly asking for relative preferences, so pairwise matrix is entered directly.<br>
In config tab you can give the number of candidates (default=5)<br>In vote tab you give the names, and the pairwise matrix. The matrix gives the number of voters who preferred the candidate listed in the row caption to the candidate in the row corresponding to the column. <br>
Clicking on the result tab gives the ranking of the candidates.<br><br>