<div>From: bql@bolson.org<br>
> <span class="correction" id="">Ka-Ping</span> Ye did some excellent work<br>
> The original is here, and was discussed on this list many months ago:<br>
> http://zesty.ca/voting/sim/<br>
Yeah, it's cool.<br>
> Mostly I've independently verified the results, but I've added my<br>
> favorite pet method, Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings (<span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span>) into<br>
> the mix.<br>
When you say you average results, does that mean you mix the <span class="correction" id="">colour</span> ?<br>
How do your voters vote ?<br>
I assume it is something like:<br>
Utility = 1/distance ?<br>
Max Social Utility: pick candidate with highest <span class="correction" id="">utilty</span><br>
Pick One: Pick nearest <br>
<span class="correction" id="">IRV</span>: Pick in order of distance<br>
<span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span>: Pick in order of distance (do you have link to count rules?)<br>
<span class="correction" id="">Condorcet</span>: Pick in order of distance<br>
Rating Summation: Rating = utility ? (Range)<br>
Are votes capped, if not then won't that give same as max utility ?<br>
<span class="correction" id="">Borda</span>: Pick in order of distance<br>
> This method is great because it makes behaviors of the election<br>
> method readily apparent visually. I used to claim that <span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span> would be<br>
> free of <span class="correction" id="">IRV's</span> oddities because <span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span> considered the whole ballot and<br>
> used continuous ratings. Someone here cleverly found a counter case,<br>
> but graphically it jumps out of the picture that <span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span> does have<br>
> irregularities. On the plus side, they're much smaller than <span class="correction" id="">IRV's</span><br>
> problems. :-)<br>
What would be cool would be if you re-ran the <span class="correction" id="">sims</span> with strategic voting.<br>
Plurality -- run poll and then everyone votes for one of the top 2 in<br>
the poll. I am not sure this is accurate though.<br>
What about<br>
2 candidates are selected as the <span class="correction" id="">favourites</span> (same 2 for entire run)<br>
Take a poll<br>
Pick <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span> of the top 2 unless,<br>
the utility of both the top 2 is less than X, then pick <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span><br>
In election<br>
Vote for your <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span> of the top 2 candidates in the poll<br>
This models the benefit of being one of the main party nominees.<br>
Another option is to keep rerunning the election until the winner<br>
is stable ... but that might be cyclic.<br>
<span class="correction" id="">IRV</span> -- run poll and rank <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span> of top 2 first and least <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span> of<br>
top 2 last, rest honest. Not sure if that is actually what is strategic<br>
<span class="correction" id="">IRNR</span>: Not sure<br>
<span class="correction" id="">Condorcet</span>:<br>
Range/Rating Summation:<br>
- Rate favorite at max and least <span class="correction" id="">favourite</span> at win and linear interpolate rest<br>
- Use approval strategy (give max to favorite of top 2 and min to other of top 2)<br>
<span class="correction" id="">Borda</span>:<br>
> I understand that most of you aren't computer scientists and quick to<br>
> program up new tests, but I'm excited about this testing right now<br>
> and if you'll just implement your favorite election method in _some_<br>
> language, C, C++, java, <span class="correction" id="">javascript</span>, <span class="correction" id="">perl</span>, python, heck I'll even<br>
> accept <span class="correction" id="">PHP</span>, LISP or <span class="correction" id="">FORTRAN</span>, I'll translate it and fit it into the<br>
> test harness.<br>
There aren't probably that many functions.<br>
You need 1 that converts a candidate/utility list to a vote and 1<br>
that converts a list of votes into a result.<br>
This allows people to code voting strategies (by changing the utility<br>
to vote function).<br>
In theory the vote would be defined by the person who submits the<br>
voting method.<br>
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<div style="clear: both;"><span class="correction" id="">Raphfrk</span><br>
Interesting site<br>
"what if anyone could modify the laws"<br>
<span class="correction" id="">www</span>.<span class="correction" id="">wikocracy</span>.<span class="correction" id="">com</span></div>
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